Cindy O'Neill Soul Shoes

One stitch at a time makes sense to Cindy O’Neill.  She’s had to learn how to take one step, one day and one challenge at a time.  Cindy is a recent cancer survivor, and a remarkable one at that.  We’ve had the privilege of witnessing her challenges and how she manueved through going to work each day while orchestrating countless trips to hospitals and clinics.  We’ve seen the delicate balance she has tiptoed between family, work and medical responsibilites and feeling…well, miserable.


Most of us wouldn’t even think of making Soul Shoes to highlight and honor the children who die every 5 minutes from violence.  Cindy did.  She embraced her life-long love for knitting and thought carefully about her own two children.  Thinking personally as she faced her own potential death from cancer, Cindy took one tiny stitch at a time and knitted her thoughts info two splendid tiny pairs of infant shoes.

Cindy O’Neill and her family live in Northern Colorado.  Cindy is seen below at the Millennium Group office in Loveland Colorado with Carrie Coyne, General Manager and Andy Pizer, owner.  She delighted us with a personal visit to present her Soul Shoes.

Cindy O'Neill and Carrie Coyne -Soul Shoes